What is growth hacking SEO?

Growth Hacking SEO is a dynamic approach that utilizes innovative and cost-effective strategies to improve a website’s visibility and organic search ranking. 

Growth Hacking SEO

What is Growth Hacking SEO?

Growth Hacking SEO refers to the use of innovative, low-cost growth marketing strategies to improve the visibility and organic search ranking of a website. These growth marketing strategies often involve experimenting with unique approaches to search engine optimization, leveraging data-driven insights, and taking advantage of all possible channels to maximize reach and engagement.

What are the techniques?

Growth Hacking techniques are creative, unconventional, and cost-effective strategies aimed at improving a website’s SEO. These techniques are data-driven, relying on continuous experimentation across various marketing channels to foster growth. Examples of effective techniques include Avalanche SEO and Semantic SEO, or tiered linkbuilding. These methods focus on keyword optimization and the structure of website content. Another popular technique is creating viral content, which can significantly enhance a website’s visibility. Additionally, ‘power boosts’ such as links from influencers can greatly augment a site’s SEO performance.

Who is a growth hacker?

An SEO growth hacker is a professional focused on driving website traffic and improving search engine results as a part of a broader growth strategy. Unlike traditional marketers, growth hackers adopt a data-driven approach, employing both conventional and unconventional SEO techniques to achieve rapid and sustainable growth. They optimize website structure, improve meta tags, work on content strategy, and implement backlinking methods, among other activities. Their ultimate aim is to increase visibility and attract a higher volume of qualified traffic, thereby contributing to business growth objectives such as lead generation and revenue increase.

The best SEO Growth Hacking Strategies include:

  1. Avalanche SEO Technique targeting low-competition, high-potential keywords (known as Keyword Golden Ratio or KGR terms) to drive organic traffic. 

  2. Semantic SEO: This approach focuses on creating content that deeply explores a single topic, often targeting long-tail keywords.

  3. Viral Content Creation: Producing content that has the potential to go viral can significantly increase your site’s visibility, resulting in a surge of traffic. 

  4. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers in your industry can help to enhance your brand’s visibility, credibility, and reach.

  5. Power Boosts: Implementing ‘power boosts’ such as securing high-authority backlinks, enhancing site speed, and improving mobile usability can greatly boost your site’s SEO performance.

  6. Social Media Optimization: social media marketing posts can be used as powerful growth hacks (so-called parasite SEO). 

  7. Data-driven strategies: Using analytical tools to understand user behavior, identify successful content, and discover growth opportunities is a crucial part of a successful growth strategy.

Yes, Growth Hacking techniques like Avalanche SEO and Semantic SEO are considered safe as they follow the guidelines set by search engines, specifically Google. These techniques are part of the “White Hat” SEO approach, which focuses on optimizing sites for human interaction, creating quality content, and improving user experiences. This approach does not involve any deceitful tactics and focuses on a long-term commitment to your website.

What is the SEO Avalanche Technique?

The SEO Avalanche Technique is a specific approach to search engine optimization aimed at gradually increasing a website’s organic traffic. This is achieved by targeting low-competition, long-tail keywords (also referred to as “low-hanging fruit”), and building a steady stream of organic traffic through them. The method follows a tiered system, where your website gradually targets more competitive keywords as its organic traffic grows. The goal of the Avalanche Technique is to snowball the growth of your website’s organic traffic over time. By targeting less competitive keywords first and gradually moving to more competitive ones, you can steadily increase your website’s traffic and visibility in search engines.

What is the Avalanche SEO Framework?

The Avalanche SEO Framework is a step-by-step methodology for implementing the SEO Avalanche Technique, designed to maximize organic traffic to your website. It provides a structure that you can follow to apply the principles of the Avalanche Technique consistently and effectively. The SEO Avalanche Technique framework includes the following steps:

  1. Traffic Evaluation: Analyze your current Google organic traffic to understand where you stand. Use metrics such as average daily visits, traffic fluctuations on weekends vs weekdays, and your site’s current Google ranking.

  2. Keyword Research: Identify low-competition, long-tail keywords, specifically those that generate 0-10, 10-20, and 20-50 visitors per month. Utilize the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) for this step.

  3. Content Creation: Generate high-quality, engaging content around these keywords. The quality of your content is crucial, as it affects your SEO ranking and visitor retention.

  4. Content Publishing and Interlinking: Publish one article each day for 30 days. Interlink each new article with your existing content, focusing on your high-value web pages and previously published Avalanche pages.

  5. SERP Tracking: Monitor your search engine rankings. Track your targeted keywords and the placement of your articles in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

  6. Progress Evaluation: After a month, evaluate your progress. If you notice an increase in your average organic traffic that pushes you into the next tier, start incorporating the next set of keywords into your content.

  7. Link Boosting: Strengthen the SEO of your web pages that aren’t ranking in the top 10 for your targeted keywords. Use internal linking strategies to boost these pages.

  8. Power Boosts: Leverage the power of social media and other online promotional methods to drive more traffic to your web page.

  9. Process Repetition: Repeat this process, continuously adapting to the new tiers of keywords as your organic traffic grows.

Avalanche SEO Technique

How to use Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR)?

In growth hacking, the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is used as a strategy to identify low-competition, long-tail keywords that a website can rank for more easily. The KGR method is particularly useful for new websites or those with lower domain authority since these sites may struggle to rank for highly competitive keywords. This concept is crucial for the SEO Avalanche technique, which is a part of growth hacking. Here’s how KGR is used:

  1. Calculation: The KGR is calculated as the ratio of the number of Google search results that have the keyword in the title (Allintitle) to the monthly search volume of that keyword. The ideal KGR is less than or equal to 0.25.

  2. Keyword Identification: By using the KGR, you identify low-competition keywords. These are the keywords that are searched infrequently but have a lower number of results, making it easier for your content to rank on the search engine results page (SERP).

  3. Content Creation: Once the keywords are identified, you create high-quality, valuable content around these keywords. The aim is to provide valuable information to the users searching for these specific terms.

  4. Content Publishing: The content is then published and properly optimized for SEO, ensuring the keyword appears in the title tag, H1 tag, URL, and throughout the content.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitor the performance of these keywords over time to assess their impact on your site’s traffic.

  6. Scaling: As your site starts ranking and attracting traffic for these low-competition keywords, you can gradually start targeting more competitive keywords, essentially moving up the “tiers” of competition.

What is a parasite SEO?

Parasite SEO involves publishing content on authoritative platforms, like LinkedIn, with the aim of leveraging their high domain authority to rank better in search engine results. By inserting links in this content that lead back to a targeted website, one can potentially drive high-quality traffic and improve the site’s own search engine rankings. The “parasitic” aspect comes from the fact that the individual or company is essentially borrowing the domain authority of a well-established platform to gain visibility more quickly than they might be able to with their own domain.

This strategy can be particularly effective for targeting competitive keywords that are difficult to rank for with a less authoritative domain. It’s often used in conjunction with other SEO and digital marketing strategies to create a diversified approach to gaining online visibility. However, it’s important to note that while this technique can be effective in the short term, relying solely on parasite SEO may not be a sustainable long-term strategy, especially if the authoritative platforms change their policies on external linking or content publication.

What is SEO content?

SEO Content is strategically created website content aimed at driving rapid growth in organic traffic, target audience engagement, and conversions. This approach combines principles of content marketing with growth-hacking strategies, focusing on high-quality and relevant content that is optimized to rank well for specifically researched keywords in search engines. These keywords are often determined through techniques such as the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) for identifying low-competition keywords and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) for optimizing Semantic SEO. Additionally, various methods of link building are utilized to enhance the reach and authority of the content.

How to optimize the content for semantics?

To optimize the content for Semantic SEO, it’s crucial to use clear, precise language that can be understood by both humans and AI. Sentences should be concise, simple, and fact-based to effectively answer user queries. Avoid overuse of marketing language, unnecessary descriptions, and expressing personal opinions. Semantic SEO favors content that is easily digestible. Hence, content should be broken down into short sentences and paragraphs for better comprehension by readers and Google’s AI. Paying attention to grammar and syntax will prevent content from being perceived as spam by search engines. Applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques will help align the content with how Google’s AI processes and interprets information. Additionally, elements such as headers, metadata, and the first paragraphs of your pages should be optimized with target keywords. A clear site map should be implemented and an SEO-friendly website builder like Elementor can enhance the user interface and metadata structure. Using tactics like the Avalanche SEO Technique or Tiered Link Building can effectively structure your internal links. This strategy, also known as silo link building, will improve the comprehension of your site’s content by search engines, thereby enhancing your site’s SEO.

What are Reverse Silos?

Reverse Silos are growth hacks that build a web of internal links that help distribute link equity (also known as “link juice”) across the website. It’s a strategy that aligns with the principles of user experience and information architecture, helping to ensure that users can easily navigate through the site and find the information they’re looking for. Typically, a reverse silo strategy begins at the most granular level—your individual pages or blog posts—and links upwards to category pages and ultimately to your site’s homepage. This is in contrast to a traditional silo structure where the linking begins from the homepage and moves downward. When combined with a tiered link-building strategy, a reverse silo can potentially amplify the SEO benefits.

How does Link Building generate Leads?

Link Building generates SEO Leads by enhancing a website’s visibility, authority, and ranking. The emphasis is on securing high-quality and relevant backlinks that can elevate the site’s position in the search engine rankings. Unlike traditional link-building practices, growth hackers take a more innovative, data-driven approach to customer acquisition. Some effective hacks include Link Reclamation, Broken Link Building, and Tiered Link Building. Furthermore, Silo Link Building is frequently employed as it is viewed as a cost-effective method that also aids in website organization and the distribution of “link juice”.

What are the growth hacks for link building?

Growth hacks for link building include:

1. Quality-Oriented Link Building:

  • High-Quality Backlinks: Links coming from reputable and relevant websites with a strong domain authority.

  • Contextual Backlinks: These are the links that are embedded within the content of a webpage, often within relevant textual context.

  • Organic Link Building: This involves acquiring backlinks naturally when other websites choose to link to your valuable and relevant content.

  • White Hat Link Building: These are link building strategies that abide by search engine guidelines, often involving the creation of quality content and organic outreach.

2. Strategic Link Building:

  • Backlink Strategy: This is a planned approach to earn or build backlinks that includes target identification, tactics, and performance analysis.

  • Internal Linking Strategy: This involves creating links from one page on your website to another page on the same website. It aids in site navigation, defines website architecture, and distributes page authority throughout the site.

  • Tiered Link Building: This is a more advanced strategy where different levels (or “tiers”) of backlinks are created, with each tier pointing to the tier above it, ultimately leading back to the target website.

3. Outreach Link Building:

  • HARO Backlinks: HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a platform that connects journalists with expert sources. It is an effective way to gain high-quality backlinks from authoritative news sites.

  • Blog Commenting Backlinks: These are links acquired by leaving comments on relevant blog posts. While not as valuable as other types of links, they can still play a part in a diverse link-building strategy.

4. Potentially Harmful Link Building:

  • Spam Backlinks: These are links from low-quality, irrelevant, or spammy websites. They can harm your site’s SEO if not monitored and dealt with properly.

  • Toxic Backlinks: These are harmful or ‘unnatural’ links that may result from black hat SEO techniques, like buying links or participating in link schemes. Google can penalize your site for having too many of these.

What is a tiered link building?

Tiered link building is a growth hack used to elevate the visibility and authority of a website. In this strategy, the top-tier links, which are directly connected to the target webpage, are of the highest quality and originate from credible and authoritative sources. On the other hand, the links from the second and third tiers are generally from lower-quality sources and are used to enhance the value of the first-tier links. Instead of linking directly to your target webpage, these links should connect to your top-tier backlinks. This is because links from low-quality or irrelevant sources can negatively impact your website’s SEO if they link directly to your target webpage. The goal of this tiered link-building approach is to amplify the influence and reach of your primary backlinks, facilitate the distribution of link equity throughout your website, and improve your domain authority. Consequently, this boosts your website’s visibility in search engine rankings. However, to ensure effective results, it’s important that all links across all tiers are relevant, appear natural, and adhere to Google’s webmaster guidelines. Here’s how to use Tiered Link Building:

  1. Creation of High-Quality Content: The first step in any link-building strategy is to create valuable, shareable content. This could be in the form of blog posts, white papers, infographics, or videos.

  2. Building Tier 1 Backlinks: The next step is to secure high-quality backlinks from reputable websites directly to your content. These are your Tier 1 backlinks. These can be obtained through guest posting, content promotion, broken link building, and other white-hat SEO strategies.

  3. Building Tier 2 Backlinks: Once you have your Tier 1 backlinks, the next step is to build links to these backlinks. This could involve promoting the content where your Tier 1 backlinks reside or even securing backlinks to these websites. The idea is that by boosting the authority of your Tier 1 backlinks, you indirectly boost the authority of your own website.

  4. Repeat the Process: The process is then repeated for Tier 3 backlinks (links to your Tier 2 backlinks) and potentially even further tiers.

SEO Avalanche Case Study

The SEO Case Study exemplifies the successful application of a blend of Avalanche SEO and Semantic SEO strategies, fortified by effective link building. This strategy led to an impressive 250% increase in organic traffic for a SaaS company in just three months, as shown in the chart below.

How to achieve a 250% increase in international organic traffic in just 3 months?

To achieve a 250% increase in international organic traffic in just 3 months using SEO hacks, strategic timing played a crucial role. The project was deliberately aligned with one of Google’s core updates—a major change to its SEO algorithm. Such updates often lead to a ‘re-ranking’ process, wherein Google adjusts the ranking positions of websites according to the newly implemented criteria. Notably, this transitional phase can present unique opportunities for less authoritative sites to surpass the rankings of more established competitors. By understanding and strategically responding to these algorithm updates, it’s possible to gain significant SEO advantages and rapidly increase traffic.

growth hacking seo case study

How to leverage Google Core Update?

Google’s core updates present a unique opportunity for growth hacking process. These algorithm changes often lead to a reshuffling of website rankings, providing an opening for lesser-known websites to ascend and surpass even major players. To maximize this opportunity, timing is crucial. It’s important to coincide your SEO strategy with these updates and to minimize direct SEO interventions while they’re in progress. A key aspect of this strategy is making large-scale changes to your webpage, an approach recommended by Koray Tuğberk, to exceed Google’s quality thresholds. Once the core update is complete, it’s time to adapt. A careful analysis of the changes made by Google should guide the adjustments to your SEO strategy, whether it’s content optimization, link-building tactics, or other relevant modifications. Lastly, it’s essential to be prepared for potential ranking drops following an update. Having a responsive recovery strategy in place, that includes understanding the elements of your SEO strategy affected and taking corrective measures, can help regain your rankings.

Google Core Update for Growth Hacking SEO

What power boosts were used in SEO Project?

The power boosts utilized in this project encompassed several key growth marketing strategies and technical improvements:

  1. Semantic SEO optimization: As Google uses AI for search, the content was written to cater to both humans and AI, enhancing its comprehensibility and relevance for semantic search.

  2. SEO error reduction: In just two weeks, the site quality increased from 75% to 84%, which likely had a significant impact on search rankings.

  3. Optimization of headers, metadata, and lead paragraphs: By fixing these crucial elements, the visibility and relevance of the web pages improved for both users and search engines.

  4. Sitemap in English: Resolving the issue of the missing English sitemap ensured better indexing of the site by search engines.

  5. User interface improvement with Elementor: The implementation of Elementor improved the website’s user interface and the metadata and schema, offering a better user experience and enhancing SEO performance.

  6. Grammar and syntax corrections: By correcting grammatical errors and syntax for semantic SEO purposes, the website content became more appealing and readable to users and search engines alike.

  7. Internal link silos: Following Kyle Roof’s tactics, the team built silos for internal links, improving the site structure and boosting its SEO performance.

technical seo for growth hacking

SEO error reduction – increase in site quality from 75% to 84% in just two weeks

semantic elements of SEO

Optimization of SEO Schema


This Growth Hacking Project delivered impressive results for a SaaS company over a three-month period, showcasing the effectiveness of comprehensive and data-driven strategies:

  • Initial Status: At the outset, Google US indexed only five English phrases from the site, with an average ranking of around the 90th position.

  • After Phase 1: The first phase involved fixing technical errors, optimizing headlines, and creating an effective internal link structure. These steps were undertaken without making any content modifications. As a result, Google’s indexing of the site improved significantly, encompassing over 120 English phrases with an average ranking improved to around the 80th position.

  • After Phase 2: The second phase involved direct intervention with the content. A primary focus was on leveraging semantic strategies and eliminating content cannibalization. These content-focused efforts further improved the site’s search performance. The number of indexed English keywords increased to 180, with an average ranking climbing to about the 55th position.

In conclusion, a well-structured SEO strategy that addressed both technical optimizations and content enhancements was able to significantly improve the site’s SEO performance within a span of just three months. This case study reinforces the effectiveness of SEO hacking techniques when correctly applied.

Growth Hacking SEO Project Results

Growth Hacking SEO: Key Takeaways

  1. Growth Hacking SEO refers to using innovative and cost-effective strategies to improve a website’s organic search ranking and visibility.
  2. The SEO Avalanche Technique targets low-competition, long-tail keywords to gradually increase organic traffic.
  3. The Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is used to identify low-competition keywords that a website can rank for easily.
  4. SEO Content combines content marketing principles with growth-hacking strategies to drive rapid growth in organic traffic and conversions.
  5. SEO hackers uses Reverse Silos and Tiered Link Building to distribute link equity and improve domain authority.
  6. Strategic timing, aligning with Google’s core updates, can result in significant SEO advantages and increased traffic.
  7. Power boosts, such as semantic SEO optimization, improved user interface, grammar corrections, and internal link silos, contribute to SEO success.
  8. A comprehensive and data-driven SEO strategy, addressing technical and content aspects, can yield remarkable results in a short time.